


Glenwood, Ia Wheelchair Van Rental Locations

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When you are traveling, and your not able to take your wheelchair accessible van with you find a rental that fits your individual needs. We offer wheelchair accessible van rentals available for days, weeks and even months. Rental vans are an affordable way to get around temporarily no matter what you have to accomplish that day. Call us to reserve your rental van! Glenwood’s accessible attractions focus on historical offerings. The most accessible venues are in the downtown area, where parking is plentiful and the sidewalk landscape is smooth. Mobility enhanced vehicles will be needed to reach many of the outlying parks and historic cottages, such as the IIFMC Girl’s Cottages, which are very accessible once they have been reached by car.

Mobility Works

5450 L Street
Omaha, NE 68117

Contact Us

Phone: (855) 985-1201

We Are 18 From Glenwood, Ia

A: Glenwood, Ia
B: Local Wheelchair Rental Location